
What types of photos make the best big heads

Posted by Bruce on Oct 12th 2020

Photo tips to make the best quality big head cutouts

Big head cutouts are sweeping the nation. Showing up at sporting events, concerts, graduations, and pretty much anywhere else you find big groups of people having a great time. If you’re itching to get in on the fun but aren’t sure how to get a big head or where to take them we have a few big head ideas for you.

  • Perfect for a wedding, big head cutouts using kissy face photos of the bride and groom are the perfect way to send the happy couple off on their new adventure together.
  • Birthday big heads can end up being the life of a party. Be sure to use plenty of childhood photos to properly embarrass the guest of honor.
  • Need a great bachelor party big head idea? Remember that one photo from a college party the groom-to-be hoped would never see the light of day? That’s right, make a giant big head with this photo.
  • Use big heads instead of name tags in cubicles to bring a little fun to the office.
  • Take big heads of yourself, your friends, or your favorite players to sporting events.
  • Cheer on new graduates during the ceremony with big head cutouts.
  • Give each team member a big head cutout of themselves at end of year sports team parties.
  • Have you ever been at a concert, street festival, or parade and lost your friends? Never again. A big head is a great way to stay together in a crowd.

Remember to use a great photo for your big head

The ways you can use big head cutouts are endless. Whatever you decide to do with them, be sure to follow a few simple photo guidelines to ensure your big heads turn out great.

  • Always use a photo over 1MB in size. Anything smaller could turn out fuzzy when blown up to big head size.
  • Be sure to choose an up-close photo. Images taken from family photos or other group shots generally don’t work well.
  • Use a well-lit photo.
  • Have fun with your big head photos! The sillier the picture, the better the big head!

Visit to check out all of the options available and order your big head today!